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Dataset Serupa
Diversity and abundance of frugivorous drosophilids and their parasitoids in Bog...

The diversity, abundance and association of frugivorous drosophilids and their p...

Morphological Variation And Species Distribution Of Baccaurea Dulcis (Jack) Müll...

Sumatra, Borneo and western part of Java Island, and its population is under thr...

Spread Of Invasive Plants Along Trails In Two National Parks In West Java, Indon...

The increase of alien invasive plants in biological reserves is a major threat t...

The clusiaceae of limestone forests in Bogor, West Java: Plant Profiles and Valu...

Limestone karsts are known as reservoir of biodiversity with high level of endem...

Tinjauan Tentang Kopepoda Parasit Di Indonesia (A Review Of Parasitic Copepoda I...

Parasitic copepods are of the most important parasites in the marine environment...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Altitudinal patterns of abundances and parasitism in frugivorous drosophilids in west Java, Indonesia


Abundances and parasitism rates of frugivorous drosophilid flies were studied in three localities at altitudes of 250–1350 m in and near Bogor, Indonesia. The drosophilid and parasitoid species were classified into four groups: low-altitude species, high-altitude species, species abundant at a mid-altitude location and species occurring rather evenly from low to high locations. The ananassae and immigrans species groups were major drosophilids collected. All species of the ananassae species group were more abundant at lower altitudes, and the parasitism rate in this species group decreased with increasing altitude. Thus, the host abundance seems to affect the parasitism rate. On the other hand, the rate of parasitism in the immigrans species group showed no apparent relation with altitude or density, possibly due to the fact that species of this species group variedin altitudinal distribution. It is also suggested that the diversity of drosophilid species affects the composition of parasitoid species.Keywords: abundance; altitude; frugivorous drosophilids; Indonesia; parasitoids; tropics Journal of Natural History, 49:27-28

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