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Analisis Kandungan Asam Lemak Pada Gonad Bulu Babi (Tripneustes Gratilla L)
Sea Urchin (Tripneustes gratilla L) gonad representing one of fbod source of Moluccas society, especially in Osi andBanda islands. Through not yet a lot of marketed in Moluccas and in Indonesia generally, this food is very recognized in Korea and Japan, marketed in the form of fermented, freezed and fresh products. Analysis of fatty acid had been conducted and expected that sea urchin gonad could be developed as food source. The results showed that Tripneustes gralilla L gonad have 14.674 persen (w/w) of fat. The fat was transesterified by using BF3 l5o/o in methanol, than was analyzed by GC-MS (Shimadzu QP-2010). The yield of fat transesterified have five kind of saturated fatty acid, and three kind of unsaturated fatty acid that consist of two monounsaturated fatly acid and one polyunsafurated fatty acid. ICHTHYOS, Jurnal Penelitian llmu-Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan