Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Information on genetic diversity of fermentative yeast which produce ethanol is ...
Indonesia as an archipelago country relies on shipping for multipurpose transpor...
Toxic heavy metals are one of the widespread environmental contaminants in Indon...
Coastal marine environments are considered to be the most sensitive areas for th...
Two new species of spiruroid nematodes in birds from Kangean Island, Indonesia a...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Biodiversity of Hydrocarbon-Producing Microalgae from oil Contaminated in Coastal Zone of Batam Island
Addressing to the environmental and energy crises in Indonesia, the new alternative of green-economic-energy sources is required. In this study marine microalgae were isolated from oil-polluted coastal zone in Batam Island for alternative energy sources.The abundance of microalgal diversity was observed. The isolation done by capillaryoastal micropipette technique. The method of specific screening for hydrocarbon-producing microalgae was done using selected media, CO2 rate and light intensity period treatments. The results showed that the Cyanobacteria and diatom occupied the Batam\'s coastal waters. From the isolated sampes, 11 strains positively deposit the hydrocarbon in their cells. Further study for determining the isolated and their properties is still in progress. Marine Research in Indonesia Vol. 33, No.2, 2008