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Characterization And Identification Of The Best Screened Indigenous Lactic Acid Bacteria Producing Beta-Galactosidase


β-Galactosidase (EC is an enzyme used in production of low/free lactose milk consumed mainly human which have lactose intolerance. Characteristics of indigenous Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) producing β-galactosidase haven’t been fully reported. To know the characteristics of the LAB, characterization and identification of the best screened indigenous LAB producing β-galactosidase were researched. The best LAB was molecularly identified. The crude β-galactosidase of LAB was produced by centrifugation. The optimum production of the best LAB b-galactosidase was measured based on incubation time, inoculum concentration, pH and lactose concentration. The optimum activity of the β-galactosidase was measured based on pH and temperature. The β-galactosidase activity was measured by modified method of Lu et al., 2009. Research results show that 10 (ten) out of 70 (seventy) indigenous LAB produced β-galactosidase with high activities. LAB producing the highest β-galactosidase activity than the others was LAB strain B110. The LAB strain B110 was identified molecularly as Lactobacillus plantarum strain B110. The β-galactosidase optimum production of L. plantarum strain B110 was reached at incubation time for 30 hours, 2 persen inoculum concentration, medium pH: 7, and 2 persen lactose concentration. The optimum activity of the β-galactosidase was reached at temperature of 45o C and pH: 6,5, respectively. Based on selection and characterization of L.plantarum strain B 110, L. plantarum strain B 110 was the best LAB producing β-galactosidase than that of the other LAB. The 3rd International Conference on Biological Science 2013, Vol. 2. 2015. P: 439-445 ISSN: 2413-0877

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