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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Isolation of marine bacteria producers of bioactive compounds from Ambon Bay

Ambon Bay is situated in the Wallacea biogeographical area. Despite various stud...

Isolation and Characterization of Pb Resistant Bacteria from Cilalay Lake, Indon...

Pollution of water environment with heavy metals is becoming one of the most sev...

Biological Properties of Cosmeceuticals Derived from Marine Algae

Marine Cosmeceuticals: Trends and Prospects is a consolidated overview of the ma...

Marine Bacteria from Eastern Indonesia Waters and Their Potential Use in Biotech...

Indonesian vast marine waters, which constitute 81% of the country’s total area,...

Isolation of marine bacteria in Ambon Bay with Potential biotechnological featur...

Ambon Bay is situated in Wallacea biogeographical area. Despite various studies ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Characterization of Amylase from Marine Bacteria


In the previous study, we have isolated marine microbes which have capability to hydrolyze carbohydrate such as amylum, amylopectin, mannan, xylan and cellulose. In this study, we focused on marine bacteria which can produce extracellular amylase. Extracellular enzymes that produced by Brevibacterium sp. Have been collected with the enzyme activity 1.26 U/mL. Precipitation the enzymes using ammonium sulphate showed the enzyme recovery around 41 persen. The purified enzyme that collected from purificatin process using gel filtration chromatography Sephadex G-75, was characterized for pH and temperature optimum condition. The results showed that pH optimum on 6.4 and temperature optimum on 50oC. Proceedings International Conference on Biotechnology. Biotechnology Bridging Biodiversity to Industry Bogor ISSN / ISBN / IBSN : 978-602-98275-2-1

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