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Dataset Serupa
Floristic Composition of Peat Swamp Forest in Mensemat-Sambas, West Kalimantan

The floristic composition of a 1.05 ha (70 m by 150 m) plot in an old-growth pea...

Potency of biocontrol agents isolated from compost and peat soil of tropical pea...

Rhizoctonia solani is a soil pathogen that causes diseases in wide range of host...

Nutrient Stoichiometry of Nepenthes Species from a Bornean Peat Swamp Forest

To shed light on the nature of nutrient limitation in carnivorous plant communit...

Differentiation in architectural properties and functional traits of forest-floo...

There are physiognomically distinctive forest types in lowland tropics reflectin...

Floristics Composition of Tomong Forest at Sambas, West Kalimantan

Tomong forest at Sambas regency is a restricted tropical forest along Sambas riv...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Composition of seed bank in the Sebangau peat Swamp Forest, Central Kalimantan


With the increasing human population, the destruction of forests is a fact that can not be denied again in this beloved country Indonesia. Every year the damaged forest area continues to increase. Deforestation in Indonesia was caused by human activities such as exploitation, conversion of non-forestry activities such as construction, farming, fires, logging and timber theft. Various activities will result in damage to vegetation. Fall of the trees will kill seedlings, seedlings and inhibit the process of seed germination, both contained in the forest floor and the preparation of seeds in the soil (seed bank). Seed bank studies in peat swamp forests Sebangau were done using the method of square plots . In some selected plots of land carried out taking samples at various depths.Samples of land planted in the greenhouse Cibinong Science Center and conducted observations and seedling identification process. The results of the analysis was known that the seeds can germinate seedlings numbered 229, from that number was dominated by Stenochlaena palustris, and several species of moss, such as; Syrhopodon sp, Campylopus sp, Hypnaceae and Marchantiaceae. In this research, was not obtained in the form of tree seedlings. Key words: Seed banks, Peat Swamp Forest - Sebangau, Central Kalimantan. Prosiding Konferensi dan Seminar Nasional Teknologi Tepat Guna Tahun 2014

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