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Dataset Serupa
Al and Re Interdiffusion in the γ-Phase of Ni-Al-Re System

The activation enthalpies and frequency factors for interdiffussion of Al and Re...

Diffusion and γ′ Phase Coarsening Kinetics in Ruthenium Containing Nickel Based ...

The present paper reports the interdiffusion of Re, W, Ru and Co in the binary a...

Interdiffusion in Ni-Co-Re and Ni-Co-Ru Systems

The diffusion in Ni-Co-Re and Ni-Co-Ru systems have been investigated in the tem...

Interdiffusion Of Alloying Elements In Ni Based Alloys

The present paper reports the interdiffusion in the system of Ni-Al-X where X be...

Microstructural Observation of The ’ Precipitation and Growth in Ta Containing ...

Superalloy of IN 718- the Ni-Cr-Fe based superalloys with Nb as one of the main ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Diffusion of Re and Ru in the γ′ Phase of Ni based Alloys


The diffusion of Re and Ru in the γ`-Ni3Al phase has been investigated at a range of temperatures 1423-1523 K by using the pseudo-binary diffusion couples. It was found that the concentration gradient of Re appeared to promote the uphill diffusion of Al, whereas that of Ru did not promote the Al uphill diffusion. The cross interdiffusion coefficients were independent of the matrix ordering since they were comparable qualitatively between those in the γ’-Ni3Al and in the γ-Ni phases. The tracer diffusion coefficients for Re and Ru in Ni3Al were estimated by extrapolation and the obtained activation energies were consistent with the site preferences of the elements reported in the literature. Further, the results of this work suggest that the diffusion of Ru in Ni3Al is mostly governed by the diffusion in Ni sublattice and the diffusion of Re is mainly controlled by the formation of anti-site defects in the Ni sublattice with negligible contribution of the anti-site bridge mechanism. Materials Transactions. Vol. 49 No. 6 2008 P:1441-1445

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