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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
The Addition Of Potato Biscuit In The Feed Of Sumatran Slow Loris (Nycticebus Co...

This experiment aims to determine the effect of the addition of potato biscuit o...

The seasonal feeding ecology of the javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus)

To describe the strategy employed by exudativorous primates during seasonal shif...

Trialling Exudate-Based Enrichment Efforts to Improve the Welfare of Rescued Slo...

Slow lorises Nycticebus spp. are heavily targeted in the illegal animal trade th...

Histology Observation, Anatomy Of Male Reproductive Organ In Slow Lories (Nyctic...

In male reproductive organs, testes play an important function. The histological...

Modelling The Habitat Use And Distribution Of The Threatened Javan Slow Loris Ny...

The Javan slow loris Nycticebus javanicus is threatened by habitat decline and i...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Does Toxic Defence in Nycticebus spp. Relate to Ectoparasites? the Lethal Effects of Slow Loris Venom on Arthropods


The venom produced by slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) is toxic both intra- and inter-specifically. In this study we assessed the ecoparasite repellent properties of their venom. We tested venom from two Indonesian slow loris species: Nycticebus javanicus and Nycticebus coucang. Arthropods directly exposed to brachial gland secretions mixed with saliva from both species were immediately impaired or exhibited reduced activity (76%), and often died as a result (61%). We found no significant difference in the result of 60-min trials between N. coucang and N. javanicus [X(2)(1, n = 140) = 2.110, p = 0.3482]. We found evidence that the degree of lethality of the venom varies according to the arthropod taxa to which it is exposed. While most maggots (84%) were initially impaired from the venom after 10 min, maggots died after a 1 h trial 42% of the time. In contrast, at the end of 1 h trial, spiders died 78% of the time. For all arthropods, the average time to death from exposure was less than 25 min (M = 24.40, SD = 22.60). Ectoparasites including ticks, members of the arachnid order, are known to transmit pathogens to hosts and may be an intended target of the toxic secretions. Our results suggest that one function of slow loris venom is to repel parasites that affect their fitness, and that their topical anointing behaviour may be an adaptive response to ectoparasites. Toxicon, Vol. 95. Hal. 1-5

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