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Ecological Study In Two Quarried Limestone Karst Hills In Bogor West Java: Veget...

Many species extinctions have probably gone unnoticed on limestone that was dest...

The clusiaceae of limestone forests in Bogor, West Java: Plant Profiles and Valu...

Limestone karsts are known as reservoir of biodiversity with high level of endem...

Floristic and Forest Structural Study in Batangtoru Watershed, North Sumatra

A Forest ecology research has been done in Batangtoru watershed, North Sumatra t...

Species compositions and ecology of the riverineichthyofaunas in two Sulawesian ...

This account of the riverine ichthyofaunas from the islands of Buton and Kabaena...

Floristic Composition of Peat Swamp Forest in Mensemat-Sambas, West Kalimantan

The floristic composition of a 1.05 ha (70 m by 150 m) plot in an old-growth pea...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Ecological Study In Two Quarried Limestone Karst Hills In Bogor West Java: Vegetation Structure And Floristic Composition


Many species extinctions have probably gone unnoticed on limestone that was destroyed before they could be sampled. Unless biodiversity surveys are intensified, the true magnitude of extinctions will never be ascertained. The objectives of this study were to determine tree species composition of limestone hills in Nyungcung and Ciampea; to determine quantitatively the dominant and less dominant species and to quantify floristic structure of the two limestone hills. Value of richness (Menhinick) and evenness in Nyungcung were 3.28 and 0.826 while in Ciampea were 3.29 and 0.823, respectively. In term of diversity (Shannon Wiener), Nyungcung seems to be more diverse than Ciampea as indicated by the higher value of diversity index. Nyungcung has 3.225 of diversity (Shannon Wiener) index while Ciampea has 2.859. The floristic composition of two sites was significantly different and mostly comprised Moraceae, Rubiaceae, and Euphorbiaceae. However, the highest presence of species were Antidesma montanum (Euphorbiaceae) and Chrysophyllum lanceolatum (Sapotaceae), and Pandanus sp. (Pandanaceae) in Nyungcung, whereas in Ciampea, Harpullia arborea (Sapindaceae), Ophiorhhiza canescens (Rubiaceae), and Allophyllus cobbe (Sapindaceae). Macaranga rhizinoides, 0. canescens, A . montanum, and Turpinia montana, respectively, gained the highest importance values. Biotropia: Vol. 17 No. 2 2010. hal. 115 -129

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