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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Effect Of Quadrat Shapes On Measurement Of Tree Density And Basal Area: A Case S...

While quadrat shape of 10 m x 10 m has been commonly used in tree studies, the e...

Effect of Panel Density and Resin Content on Properties of Medium Density Fiberb...

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of panel density and resin conte...

Carbon Storage of Medium-Sized Tree: a Case Study on Dillenia Collection in Purw...

Dillenia is a medium-sized tree which has high species diversity in tropical reg...

A Preliminary Study On The Effect Of Monascus Purpureus Inoculation On Melanoidi...

A preliminary study on the effect of inoculation of Monascus purpureus NGK on ch...

Heavy metals effect on unviable larvae of Dicrotendipes simpsoni (Diptera: Chiro...

Heavy metals pollution can create negative effects on living organisms, as a ter...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Effect Of Quadrat Shapes On Measurement Of Tree Density And Basal Area: A Case Study On Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestris L.)


While quadrat shape of 10 m x 10 m has been commonly used in tree studies, the efficiency of this shape compared to the other shapes of size 100 m² has not been tested. In this study, effect of various shapes of 100 m² quadrat on measurement of Scots Pine (Pinus silvestris L.) density and basal area would be assessed. The aim was to assess the effect of quadrat shapes of 10 m x 10 m; 5 m x 20 m and 2 m x 50 m on the estimation of density and basal area of the pine in two woodlands in Norwich and to find the most efficient shape, statistically and with respect to sampling time. The results from all quadrat shapes similarly showed that the density and basal area of the.pines between two woodlands were significantly different. In site with lower pine density, the density and basal area measurement were not affected by variety of quadrat shapes. In site where the density of the pine was higher, however, mean density and basal area measurement using 2 m x 50 m quadrat gave higher value than of the other two shapes. In term of efficiency, all shapes were not significantly different in statistica l precision and sampling time. Shape of 5 m x 20 m, however, was more preferable as it required fewer samples before the mean of density and basal area always falls inside the 95% confidence interval of whole samples mean. Buletin Kebun Raya Vol. 14 no. 2 Juli 2011 hal. 46-52

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