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Dataset Serupa
Effect of Tempering Temperature on Hardness and Impact Resistance of the 410-1Mo...

Tempering is an important process to produce the martensitic stainless steels ha...

The Effect of Tempering Temperature on Pitting Corrosion Resistance of 420 Stain...

The AISI Type 420 stainless steels are commonly used to steam generators, mixer ...

Influence of Austenitizing Heat Treatment on the Properties of the Tempered Type...

The modified 410-1Mo stainless steel has been developed with higher tensilestren...

Influence of Austenitizing Heat Treatment on Properties of the Tempered 410-1Mo ...

The modified 410-1Mo stainless steels has been developed with higher tensile str...

The Hardness and Microstructure of The Modified 13Cr Steam Turbine Blade Steel i...

Martensitic stainless steels were usually used for turbine blade. Their properti...

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Effect of Tempering Temperature on Hardness and Impact Resistance of the 410-1Mo Martensitic Stainless Steels for Steam Turbine Blades


Tempering is an important process to produce the martensitic stainless steels having the desired properties. This paper reports the influence of tempering temperature on hardness and impact resistance the modified 410-1Mo steels. The steels samples were prepared by a process sequence of induction melting, hot forging, annealing, hardening and tempering. The tempered steels were subjected to hardness and impact testing. The experimental results showed that the hardness and the impact resistance of the steels depended strongly on tempering temperature and they changed considerably at temperature 600oC. The secondary hardening appeared at tempering temperature around 400-550oC. The correlation of impact energy with hardness was found to fit the linear line with negative gradient with increasing of hardness value. The fractured surfaces of the impact test specimens were analyzed using SEM images. ICME 2016 (International Journal of Engineering and Technology)

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