Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Lumut merupakan kelompok tumbuhan berklorofil yang paling sederhana. Hingga saat...
Eksplorasi flora di kawasan Gunung Prau, Kecamatan Bawang, Kabupaten Batang, Jaw...
Eksplorasi flora di kawasan Gunung Prau, Kecamatan Bawang, Kabupaten Batang, Jaw...
Sebuah kebun raya baru akan dibangun di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Di lokasi ter...
Benalu is one of the parasitic plant group which have been ataccked to many plan...
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Eksplorasi Dan Inventarisasi Lumut (Musci) Di Kebun Raya Baturraden, Jawa Tengah
Moss exploration and inventory at Baturraden Botanical Garden was be conducted to reveal of the biodiversity that has not yet been reported. The research collected 184 numbers of moss that including 72 species, 36 gener, and 19 families. Aerobryopsis wallichii (Brid.) M. a dominant species in the research area. Prosiding Ekspose and Seminar Pembangunan Kebun Raya Daerah, hal. 315-328