Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Synaptidae was one of holothuroidea member, unique because they has no podia or ...
Artikel dengan Judul "Timun Laut di Perairan Kepulauan Seram Bagian Timur, Maluk...
Persatuan bangsa-bangsa (PBB) memasukkan Indonesia ke dalam 10 besar negara-nega...
Lebih dari 300 spesimen timun laut disimpan di ruang koleksi Puslit Oseanografi,...
Perdagangan timun laut yang semakin meningkat telah menyebabkan penurunan popula...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Enypniastes eximia, Timun Laut Perenang dari Laut Dalam
Sea cucumbers have been known as a part of important components of the deep-sea fauna. They are useful as recyclers and sediment processors on the soft bottom habitat. The ability of some sea cucumber species to leave the seabed and swim upwards into the water column has been documented. Those species that are capable to do active swimming movements are an element of megafauna dominating some zones in the deep-sea. One of the active swimming sea cucumber species is Enypniastes eximia, order Elasipodida. Enypniastes eximia has atractive external features that appear to be a morphologycal adaptation to swim. It has interesting body color, transparent body wall and also has beautiful swimming movement. This paper discusses about the general remarks of E. eximia, including its classification and morphology, feeding and swimming behaviour and also its distribution. Oseana, Vol. XXXVI, No. 4. Hal. 45-53 ISSN 0216-1877