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Notes On Rafflesia (Rafflesiaceae) In Sumatra With A New Record Rafflesia Gadute...

Pulau Mursala is a small island west of the Sibolga, Tapanuli Tengah District, N...

Genus Cercospora In Thailand: Taxonomy And Phylogeny (With A Dichotomous Key To ...

Cercospora Fresen. is one of the most importance genera of plant pathogenic fung...

Accumulation of Calcium Crystal in Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Kidney

The aim of this research is to know the effect of tuber Porang flour (Amorphopha...

A New Species Group in The Genus Dichaetophora, with Descriptions of Six New Spe...

The genus Dichaetophora Duda comprises 61 described species classified into four...

Isolation of marine bacteria in Ambon Bay with Potential biotechnological featur...

Ambon Bay is situated in Wallacea biogeographical area. Despite various studies ...

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Evolutionary Novelty in a Rat with No Molars


Rodents are important ecological components of virtually every terrestrial ecosystem. Their success is a result of their gnawing incisors, battery of grinding molars and diastema that spatially and functionally separates the incisors from the molars. Until now these traits defined all rodents. Here, we describe a new species and genus of shrew-rat from Sulawesi Island, Indonesia that is distinguished fromall other rodents by the absence of cheek teeth. Moreover, rather than gnawing incisors, this animal has bicuspid upper incisors, also unique among the more than 2200 species of rodents. Stomach contents from a single specimen suggest that the species consumes only earthworms. We posit that by specializing on soft-bodied prey, this species has had no need to process food by chewing, allowing its dentition to evolve for the sole purpose of procuring food. Thus, the removal of functional constraints, often considered a source of evolutionary innovations, may also lead to the loss of the very same traits that fuelled evolutionary diversification in the past. Biology Letters, Vol. 8. Hal. 990-993

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