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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Anatomical Characteristics and Chemical Properties of the Branch-Wood of Schizol...

The scale of forest degradation and deforestation in Indonesia has inspired the ...

Pollen Load and Flower Constancy of Three Species of Stingless Bees (Hymenoptera...

The genera of stingless bees play an important role as pollinators of plants. Th...

Three new species of Lentipes from Indonesia

Three new species of Lentipes (L. argenteus, L. ikeae and L. mekonggaensis), fre...

Exploration of Unutilized Fast Growing Wood Species from Secondary Forest in Cen...

Fast growing wood species has become more promising as alternative wood sources ...

Carbon Dioxide Absorption and Physiological Characteristics of Selected Tropical...

Biological diversity can make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Fiber and Chemical Characteristics of Branchwoods of Three Meranti Species


The fiber and chemical characteristics of branchwoods of three meranti species namely meranti sangkan, meranti bakau, and meranti bunga kulit hitam from Bukit Batu Peat Swamp Forest, Riau were observed. The aim of this research was to discover the potential utilization of these three meranti species based on their characteristic. The result showed that holocellulose contents of meranti sangkan, meranti bakau, and meranti bunga kulit hitam were 72.97%, 75.28%, and 69.88%, whereas the α-cellulose contents were 43.55%, 51.14%, and 43.25%, respectively. meranti sangkan had the highest lignin content (35.99%) followed by meranti bakau (34.21%) and meranti bunga kulit hitam (32.18%). meranti Bunga kulit Hitam had the highest extractive content (2.24%) followed by meranti sangkan (1.66%) and meranti bakau (1.08). Furthermore, the fiber length of meranti bunga kulit hitam, meranti sangkan, and meranti and meranti Hitam were 1475.45 μm, 1475.45 μm, 1442.62 μm, and 1205.23 μm, respectively. The values of fiber derivative of the three meranti species were slightly differ from class I, except for felting power that was classified in class III. The result also showed that the branchwoods of the three meranti species are suitable for pulp and paper raw material. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis, Vol. 9, No. 2. Hal. 166-171

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