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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Molecular Evidence that the Deadliest Sea Snake Enhydrina Schistosa (Elapidae: H...

We present a striking case of phenotypic convergence within the speciose and tax...

The First Phylogenetic Study Of Kiliophora (Fungi, Anamorphic Xylariales)

Kiliophora Kuthub. & Nawawi (Type: K. fusispora Kuthub. & Nawawi) was first desc...

Molecular Phylogenetics and Chronometrics of Tarsiidae based on 12s mtDNA Haplot...

We report new mitochondrial DNA sequence data from tarsiers sampled from several...

Phylogenetic Relationship of The Pin Worms of The Genus Syphacia from murines of...

Sequencing of partial mtDNA Cox-1 gene and 28S rDNA was attempted for pinworms o...

Molecular Phylogeny of the Cristata Species Group of the Genus Colocasiomyia (Di...

Flies of the Colocasiomyia cristata species group depend their life cycles on sp...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

First Molecular Evidence For The Phylogenetic Placement Of The Enigmatic Snake Genus Brachyorrhos (Serpentes: Caenophidia)


Brachyorrhos schlegel, 1826a is a terrestrial-fossorial snake genus endemic to eastern Indonesia that has been assigned to six different families and subfamilies within colubroidea (advanced snakes) over the past 200 years. Here we report the first molecular sequences for brachyorrhos and use them to test the position of the genus within snake phylogeny. Our bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of three mitochondrial and one nuclear gene strongly resolve brachyorrhos within the rear-fanged semiaquatic homalopsidae (colubroidea) as the sister taxon to all genera and sampled species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Vol. 61 No. 3. 2011. P: 953 – 957

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