Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Hoya multiflora is one of the valuable germplasm in Indonesia that has been util...
A survey on the diversity of Hoya ( Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) species was co...
Mount Halimun Salak National Park is one of the tropical forest remnants in Java...
Hoya multiflora Blume (Asclepiadaceae) is an Asiatic tropical ephypitic shrub wh...
The role of botanic garden in spread of invasive alien plant species has concern...
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First Report on Fungal Symbionts of Lycopodiaceae Root from Mount Gede Pangrango National Park Indonesia
Association of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) with plant roots is often stated as critical to the successful establishment and diversification of terrestial plants. Information on AMF associations with Lycopodiaceae, ancient lineages of terrestrial plants, contributes to the understanding of terrestrial colonization of plants. While diversity of AMF and other fungal endophytes of some agricultural plants in Indonesia is extensively studied, terresterial Lycopodiaceae are not well documented. In this study, colonization status of AMF and root endophytic fungi (REF) in sporophytes of terresterial Lycopodiaceae (Huperzia selago, H. serrata and Lycopodium clavatum) inhabiting Mt. Pangrango at different altitudes were investigated on the basis of root microscopic observations and culture-dependent methods, respectively. As results, AMF colonization was observed in H. selago collected from near summit (NS, 2998 m asl) and H. serrata collected from Kandang Badak (KB, 2440 m asl) and Cibereum Water Fall (CF, 1728 m asl), but not in L. clavatum from Mount Pangrango Summit (PS, 3019 m asl). These results indicate that the colonization rate of AMF is affected by differences in altitude. REF isolates consisting of seven genera including Cadophora, Cladophialophora, Cryptosporiopsis, Leohumicola, Leptodontidium, Phialocephala, Pseudoclathrosphaerina (putatively similar to Meliniomyces), and ecologically uncertain Helotiales were obtained. These isolates contained putative dark septate endophytes (DSE) and ericoid mycorrhiza and were more diverse around sub-alpine areas (NS, KB and PS sites) than in motane areas (CF site). The presence of these REF may be affected by a complex and mixed plant vegetation in the transition zone between the montane and sub-alpine areas. Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture, Vol. 9. 2014. P: 81-88