Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Luas tutupan hutan di Kalimantan utara mencapai 4.830.032,31 Ha. Sekitar 30,77% ...
The arums comprise the family of Araceae, including the numerous aroids subfamil...
The diversity of wild banana species (genus Musa) in Java have been conducted to...
Rhizobacteria are important components of soil and directlyor indirectly influen...
The studies of seaweed biodiversity and diversity species was conducted in Bagua...
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Flora Diversity Loss in the Bioregion of Sulawesi
Indonesia is one of the biggest biodiversity area in the world after Brazil, has about 35,000 - 42,000 species, however this data need to be confirmed. The database of the Indonesian Flora is based at the Herbarium Bogoriense and based also on the specimens which was kept since 1871. The richness of the Indonesia flora is very important for the decision makers especially how to prevent the flora diversity get loss. Sulawesi as one of the biggest island in Indonesia (182,870 km2 with the collecation rate 23 species/ 100 km2 ) has also high endemism flora species. The flora expedition to Sulawesi has been done since 1687 when Dampier visited and collected specimens from Buton. According to Steenis (1955), the total number of specimens collected from Sulawesi is 32,500 specimens, which was collected by Blume (1825 - 1827), Miquell (1855) and Koorders (1898). Kef31er et al. (2002) has mentioned on this publication that there are 120 species of trees found in Sulawesi. Widjaja et al (2011) mentioned on her book "The state of Indonesian biodiversity" that Sulawesi has 6796 species, among this species it was listed that 292 species of 57 family are endemic to Sulawesi. Based on the study done since 2010, it s found that only 38Species was found in the field. When the locality of endemic species was laid on the land cover map, it was found that there are some species are no longer grow in the forest any more because the area was changed into housing area, plantation area, paddy field area or industry. The endemic species grow in specific soil characters, and certain altitude. Because of that the endemic species usually never grow in another habitat. Mapping of each endemic species will be drawn in Land cover, soil and also climate maps. Proceeding International Conference of Forest and Biodiversity. Hal. 301-319