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Dataset Serupa
Flowering Phenology and Floral Behavior of Scutellaria Discolor Colebr. and S. S...

The flowering phenology and floral behavior of Scutellaria discolor and S. slame...

Genetic Variation Of Populations Of Scutellaria Slametensis And S. Discolor (Lam...

Genetic variation within and between populations of Scutellaria slametensis Suda...

Genetic Variation of Populations of Scutellaria Slametensis and S. Discolor (Lam...

Genetic variation within and between populations of Scutellaria slametensis Suda...

Menggali Potensi Biofarmaka Pada Scutellaria Slametensis Sudarmono & BJ Conn. (L...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali potensi sebagai bahan biofarmaka pada ek...

Scutellaria Slametensis (Lamiaceae), A New Species From Central Java, Indonesia

The new species Scutellaria slametensis Sudarmono and B.J.Conn (Lamiaceae) from ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Flowering Phenology And Floral Behavior Of Scutellaria Discolor Colebr. And S. Slametensis Sudarmono & B.J. Conn (Lamiaceae)


The flowering phenology and floral behavior of Scutellaria discolor and S. slametensis were investigated. S. discolor is distributed over a wider range of habitats but S. slametensis is distributed over a restricted area on Mt. Slamet. Observations of flowering phenology and floral behavior were almost the same and pollination of cleistogamous flowers did not occur in both species. Based on our observations on floral and pollinator behavior, we consider both S. discolor and S. slametensis to have chasmo- and cleistogamous flowers. Berita Biologi, vol. 10 no. 1 April 2010. hal. 105-111

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