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Microstructural Observation of The ’ Precipitation and Growth in Ta Containing ...

Superalloy of IN 718- the Ni-Cr-Fe based superalloys with Nb as one of the main ...

The advantages and adaptations of endothermy in oceanic fishes

Pengaturan suhu tubuh pada ikan laut dapat dibagi dua yaitu ektotermi dan endote...

Leaf Anatomical Characters of Four Epiphytic Orchids of Sempu Island, East Java,...

Leaf anatomy features are important characters to support species identification...

The Speed of Technology Diffusion and Its Role in SMES Growth

Diffusion of technology plays an important role in the development of Small Medi...

The Speed of Technology Diffusion and Its Role in SMEs’ Growth

Diffusion of technology plays an important role in the development of Small Medi...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Growth and Adaptation of Four Streptomyces Isolates in the Media Containing Propoxur


Actinomycetes growth in the media containing carbamates is an interesting subject associated to its adaptation and metabolism behavior. In this work, four isolates of Streptomyces spp. had been approved to grow and demean propoxur, a carbamates pesticide commonly uses to control pest insect. The Streptomyces spp. cultures were incubated for seven days in the media containing propoxur, and incubated in the rotary (50 rpm) shaker-bath at 350C. Microbial population calculated based on culture dry weight throughout separating supernatant and biomass sedimentation in the media with centrifugation work. Propoxur degradation evaluated during the isolates refined in yeast extract media containing starch (YSB) and without starch (YB), then the propoxur (0, 200, 600, 1200, and 1800 ppm) were added to the media. After a period of incubation, propoxur content in the media determined with hydrolysis to become 2-isopropoxyphenol method, and with diazotized 3-aminopyridine processes turn into azo-dye forming which became visible in 463 nm absorbance by spectrophotometric exertion. Streptomyces growth actions showed differently among the culture, and YSB media tendentiously stimulated microbial growth performance compared to YB media. Media restrain with starch were tending to decrease propoxur content and stimulate growth performance, and proved in some certain growth behavior among Streptomyces spp. Decomposing of propoxur as due to microbial growth processes were investigated through the effect on maize seedling growth performance. Growth of Streptomyces sp.3 isolate along cultured with propoxur in the media then used to invigorate maize seedling growth improvement. Significant consequences to seedling dry weight of maize biomass appeared after ten days growth period of seedlings. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, Vol. 7, No. 9. Hal. 773-781 ISSN 1990-6145

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