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Dataset Serupa
Habitat Characteristics of Carsinofauna and Mollucifauna in Towuti Lake, South S...

Lake Towuti is a tectonic-oligotrophic lake that located in Malili Complex, Sout...

Water Environmental Condition in Relation to Existence of Endemic Fish Butini (G...

Lake Towuti is the largest lake in the Malili Complex has a wide 560 km2 and a d...

Biodiversity of Caridina sp. as Ornamental Shrimp an Economic Alternative for Pe...

Lake Towuti is a tectonic-oligotrophic located in Malili Complex, South Sulawesi...

The Endemic Sulawesi Fish Genus Lagusia (Teleostei: Terapontidae)

Lagusia micracanthus, originally described from three specimens collected in a r...

Discovery and description of two new ricefishes of the genus Oryzias (Atherinomo...

Oryzias asinua and O. wolasi are two new species of ricefishes described from se...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Habitat Characteristics of Lake Towuti, South Sulawesi, Indonesia-The Home of Endemic Fishes


The aim of this study was to examine the habitat characteristic features of Lake Towuti, a home for several endemic fish species. The sampling was conducted from June to October 2009 at seven sampling locations in the Lake Towuti, namely Tominanga, Manu Cape, Loeha Island, Hola-hola downstream, Kawatang downstream, Beau and Bakara Cape. The water quality parameters were recorded in situ and ex situ while the fish samples were caught using gill net with four mesh size (0.75, 1.0, 1.25 and 1.5 inches). The relationship between the fishery resources and the ecological parameters were analyzed using principal components analysis (PCA). The results showed that pH, total phosphorus, total organic matter (TOM) and suspended solid (SS) are the important components of water quality studies, thus playing a major role in fish distribution. Moreover, Borreria sp. distribution and other crucial factors including pH, SS, TOM and sediment play a critical role to determine the Glossogobius flavipinnnis distribution. Also, the results showed that the single important factor, ammonia plays an important role for the determination of Glossogobius matanensis distribution in Lake Tuwoti. A total of 11 fish species were recorded in this study where seven species are endemic to this lake. In addition, Tominanga and Hola-hola have high fish diversity compare to other locations. AACL Bioflux, Vol. 8, No. 2. Hal. 213-223

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