Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Saponin adalah golongan senyawa alami yang memiliki aktivitas yang sangat terkai...
Lasianthus, a member of the family Rubiaceae has potential for medicinal plants....
Indonesian indigenous people with their traditional wisdom have been used herbs ...
Polyscias merupakan salah satu marga dalam suku Araliacea (mangko-mangkokan) ata...
Terdapat banyak tumbuhan liar di hutan Indonesia yang berpotensi untuk dikembang...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Hoya Sebagai Tumbuhan Obat
Hoya (Asclepiadaceae) has been exploited as ornamental plant, while many species of this genus have been used as medicinal plants. The knowledge on medicinal purpose was recorded from several tribes in Southeast Asia where Hoya occurs. This paper reviewed the usage of Hoya as medicinal plants based on literature survey and interview with same local people in Indonesia. Warta Kebun Raya, vol. 11 no.1 Mei 2011. hal. 15-21