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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Informasi Dataset




Dataset Serupa
Human Detection from RGB Depth Image using Active contour and Grow-cut Segmentat...

Computer vision based human detection systems are gaining much significance in m...

RGB-Depth Image based Human Detection Using Viola-Jones and Chan-Vese Active Con...

Human detection refers to the process of detecting human region from an image or...

RGB-Depth Image Based Human Detection Using Viola-Jones and Chan-Vese Active Con...

Human detection refers to the process of detecting human region from an image or...

Depth Data based Chroma Keying using Grab-cut Segmentation

The research presents a depth-image based automatic object segmentation for chro...

Efficient Human Detection Algorithm using Color & Depth information with Accurat...

Foreground segmentation has a critical role in image processing and computer vis...

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Human Detection from RGB Depth Image using Active contour and Grow-cut Segmentation


In modern Security and Surveillance technologies, the significance of human detection and segmentation becomes having much importance. In addition to security systems, image/video editing applications demand semantic segmentation of foreground objects. For such high-quality applications, the foreground object's boundary pixels need to be matched accurately. The proposed method aims for an automated segmentation scheme to detect and segment the human area from an image or video frame and to paste it in another frame/image using image processing techniques using a hybrid analysis of color and depth information. The approach provides a high-quality human factor segmentation scheme that can be used in Chroma keying operations in advanced multimedia editing applications. Depth based analysis along with a series of post-processing stages is employed. The video frames are taken using an RGB-Depth sensors. Hybrid depth and image analysis are used to segment the foreground human subjects semantically. The multi-level segmentation using Chan-Vase active contour detection, grow-cut segmentation and a Trimap based matting approaches have been used to achieve a fair segmentation accuracy. The results are evaluated using standard metrics and compared with state-of-the-art automated chroma keying techniques. The qualitative analysis shows the efficiency of the proposed hybrid depth based chroma keying scheme. It can be concluded here that the visual quality has been substantially attained by this method.

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