Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Aspek kebiasaan makan dan komposisi makanan dari 2 jenis ikan terbang, Hirundict...
Study on size structure and condition factor (kn) of two flying fishes species, ...
Banyak orang mengetahui ikan terbang, karena jenis ikan ini memang dapat terbang...
Intensive explotation of flyingfish roe in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea has be...
Eksploitasi telur dalam perikanan ikan terbang diperkirakan akan sangat mempenga...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Ikan Terbang: Antara Marga Cypselurus dan Cheilopogon
Species diversity of flyingfishes is still interesting to understand after PARIN (199) split some members of the genus Cypselurus that found commonly in Indonesian waters to the genus of Cheilopogon. This article is explained that important morphology characteristics mentioned by PARIN (1999) to separate these two genus of flyingfishes. Consequently, to avoid confusing in species identification of all flyingfishes in Indonesian waters, I suggest it is better to follow PARIN (1999) for study on flyinfishes. Oseana Vol. XXIX No. 4 2004 P: 1-7 ISSN: 0216-1877