Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Teluk Ambon terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu Teluk Ambon Bagian dalam (TAD) dan Tel...
The government of Ambon City has a program to accelerate the economic developmen...
Ambon Bay is divided into two region i.e. Inner Ambon Bay and Outer Ambon Bay, b...
Penelitian struktur komunitas ikan di padang lamun dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui ...
The destruction of mangrove forest constitutes one of the greatest threats to bi...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Kajian Pendahuluan Biota Penempel yang Berasosiasi dengan Ekosistem Mangrove di Teluk Ambon Bagian Dalam
Limited literatures exist on fouling organisms attached to mangrove in inner Ambon Bay. The purpose of this research is to obtain preliminary information on fouling organism in this ecosystem. Samplings were carried out in two periods representing east and west monsoons at two different locations in inner Ambon Bay (Poka and Kate-kate). Methods used were direct observation and descriptive exploration during sampling. Identification of fouling organisms and type of mangrove were carried out using identification book and guide. Results showed that predominant organisms belonged to mollusks and crustacea. We identified four gastropoda species (Litorina scabra, Nerita oualaniens, Terebralia sulcata, Cassidula nucleus) and one bivalvia (Sacostrea cuculata) found from mollusks\' group. Klibanarius sp. was the only predominant species from crustacea group. Type of mangrove found, either naturally or through replanting program in Poka, were Rhizopohora apiculata, R. stylosa dan Soneratia alba. There were four different species found in Kate-kate (S. alba, R. apiculata, Ceriops tagal and Aegiceras corniculatum). Prosiding PIT ISOI IX. Mataram, 21-23 Oktober 2012.