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Informasi Dataset




Dataset Serupa
Kajian Superparasit dan Preferensi Inang Benalu Viscum articulation Burm. f. (Vi...

Superparasite is a parasitic plant that lives on other parasitic plant. Viscum a...

Keragaman Jenis dan Preferensi Ekologi Begonia Liar di Kawasan Hutan Sisa Kebun ...

Jenis-jenis Begonia liar terdapat di kawasan remnant forest (hutan sisa) Kebun R...

Keanekaragaman Jenis-Jenis Tanaman Koleksi Di Kebun Raya Purwodadi, Bali Dan Cib...

Botani garden represents an ecosystem area in which parasitic plants such as mis...

Keanekaragaman Jenis-jenis Tanaman Koleksi di Kebun Raya Purwodadi, Bali dan Ci...

Botanic Garden represents an ecosystem area which in it also there are parasite ...

Mengenal Microsorum Scolopendria (Burm. F.) Copel. (Polypodiaceae) – Paku Liar D...

Microsorum scolopendria (Polypodiaceae) grows natively in the Bogor Botanic Gard...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Kajian Superparasit Dan Preferensi Inang Benalu Viscum Articulatum Burm. F. (Viscaceae) Di Kebun Raya Purwodadi Dan Cibodas


Superparasite is a parasitic plant that lives on other parasitic plant. Viscum articulatum Burm. f. (Viscaceae) is a parasitic species of mistletoe that grows on other parasitic species of mistletoes, thus a superparasite. In Purwodadi Botanic Gardens-LIPI, East Java V. articulatum grows on Dendrophthoe pentandra and Macrosolen tetragonus. In Cibodas Botanic Gardens-LIPI, West Java it grows on D. pentandra and M. cochinchinensis. Dendrophthoe pentandra is the most infected species. The infected mistletoes are regarded as the first stage hosts. The living collections at both Botanic Gardens parasited by the three mistletoes are regarded as the second stages host. Investation preference for first and second host stages is studied in this research. Berita Biologi Vol. 10 No. 1. April 2010. P: 99 - 103.

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