Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Baccaurea angulata or locally known as belimbing darah is an endemic fruit plant...
Sebagai bagian dari kebun raya dunia, Kebun Raya Indonesia (KRI) memiliki tanggu...
About 10% of the total area (about 25.000 hectare) PT. Wirakarya Sakti have been...
Peran mendasar dari Kebun Raya sebagai pusat konservasi tumbuhan di Indonesia ad...
Dalam ragka konservasi ex-situ kenakekaragaman jenis tumbuhan di Kebun Raya Liwa...
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Keanekaragaman dan Konservasi Tumbuhan Buah Langka Indonesia
Southeast Asia has about 400 species edible fresh fruits and 329 (about 75 persen) species are found in Indonesia, 226 species of them are native to Indonesia. There are 31 (about 14 persen) species of fruit plants native to Indonesia are classified as rare category. Mangifera is the largest genus in the list of endangered Indonesian fruit plants (10 species), then Durio (7 species), and Aglaia (5 species). Mangifera had been threatened in their nature, such as Mangifera casturi that could not found anymore in their natural habitat (extinct in the wild), while M. macrocarpa, M. pajang, M.rufocostata, and M. similis are vulnerable or threatened. Durio dulcis, D. kutejensis, and D. oxleyanus belongs to vulnerable category. The Botanic Gardens plays role in plant Conservation. 23 species of rare Indonesian fruits (74 persen) has been collected in the Garden, 2 species of them (Stelechocarpus burahol and Diospyros macrophylla) has been restored to their natural habitat in Ujung Kulon with great results (growth percentage > 75 persen). Warta Kebun Raya Vol. 13 No. 2 Hal. 37-42. ISSN 0215-5001