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Keanekaragaman, Sebaran, dan Pemanfaatan Jenis-Jenis Anggrek (Orchidaceae), di Hutan Bodogol, Taman Nasional Gede Pangrango, Jawa Barat
To investigate the diversity, distribution, and utilization of orchid, a studywas conducted in Bodogol forest of Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGP).Around 82 species of 41 genera of orchids were identified in this area whichconsisted of 58 species of epiphytes orchids and 24 species of terrestrialorchids. The genera of Agrostophyllum, Dendrobium, and Eria were themost commonly found orchid in this area. Distribution of orchid speciesvaried from India to Pacific islands, including Japan. Among recognizedsix endemic orchid species of Java island, two new records of orchids atGPNP were determined, i.e. Neuwiedia veratifolia and N. zollingeri var.javanica. In general, the orchids in Bodogol forest have not been economiccommodities priority yet, but several species were potential to be developedfor utilization. Widyariset 2017 3 ( 2) 95-106