Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Morphological relationships analysis of Hoya species from Sumatra was carried ou...
Morphological relationships analysis of Hoya species from Sumatra was carried ou...
Hoya spp (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadaceae) has two types of leaf, succulent and non ...
Leaf anatomy of four species of Murraya (Rutaceae) have been examined. Murraya s...
Pengamatan terhadap anatomi helaian daun empat jenis Murraya (Rutaceae) telah di...
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Keragaman dan analisis kekerabatan Hoya spp. bertipe daun non sukulen berdasarkan karakter anatomi daun
Hoya spp (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadaceae) has differences in leaf type, there are succulent and non succulent leaf types. Anatomical structure of Hoya spp. leaf has not been studied, especially for the non succulent type. The aims of this research were to explore the diversity and relationship of non succulent Hoya, based on leaf anatomical characters represented by eight species i.e. H. bandaensis, H campanulata, H chlorantha, H. ciliata, H. coriacea, H. coronaria, H. densifolia, H. diversifolia and H. multiflora. Hoya leaf anatomical characters were observed on the paradermal and transversal section and analyzed by using IBM SPSS version 19 software for cluster analyses. According to the paradermal observation, stomata were present at lower surface (hypostamatic) for all species. Clustered stomata were found in h. coriacea. Observation on transversal section showed that all of species has the normal structure i.e. cuticula, upper and lower epidermis, palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma with the variation in the layer thickness. The cluster analyses resulted four groups at distance scale 19. each group has specific characters. The first group has trichomes on both sides of the leaf surface. The second group has amphistomatic stomata. The third group has thin leaves and the fourth group has the widest stomata. Buletin Kebun Raya Vol.16 No.1 Hal. 1-16. No Akreditasi: 255/Akred-LIPI/P2MBI/05/2010 ISSN 0125-961X