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Dampak Aktivitas Penambangan Pasir Di Sungai Lukulo Terhadap Airtanah Dangkal di...

Daerah Pesanggrahan yang merupakan salah satu daerah di Desa Karangsambung, Kebu...

Dampak Aktivitas Penambangan Pasir di Sungai Lukulo terhadap Airtanah Dangkal di...

Daerah Pesanggrahan yang merupakan salah satu daerah di Desa Karangsambung, Kebu...

Anatomi daun Pipreaceae dari kawasan Gunung Slamet, Jawa Tengah

Leaf anatomy slides of Piperaceae from Gunung Slamet, Central Java was prepared ...

Kondisi Geologi Teknik Daerah Kawasan Cagar Alam Geologi Karangsambung Provinsi ...

Karangsambung merupakan suatu daerah yang terletak ± 19 km ke arah utara dari Ka...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Klorastolite, Batu Mulia Berwarna Hijau Dari Kawasan Karangsambung, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah


The greenness rock with spotted white and light green mineral and gemstone quality has founded in Karangsambung area, near boundary between Banjarnegara and Kebumen Regency. Many outcrop and boulder samples associated with Luk Ulo Melange komplex have been collected from Lokidang river, Binangun, Kalitengah and Kebondalem. Samples from Lokidang river associated with ophiolite rocks while the sample from Binangun-Somagede and Kebondalem associated with metamorphic rocks; schists and gneiss. Petrographic analysis of gemstone from Kalitengah and Kebondalem, were characterized by tremolite-actinolite microcrystalin, microlite of feldspar or plagioclase, chlorite and opaque mineral, could be namelly as Nephrite. Mineralogy analysis, concoidal fracture, 6th – 7th Mohs hardness, greasy lustre, translucent, specific gravity 3.2 – 3.4 gr/cm 3. The siliceous rocks sample from Lokidang river was arranged by quartz with tremolite veinlets, chlorite and opaque minerals. However, based on spesific gravity data, the petrographic analysis become not convince, therefore it was continued with microprobe analysis, especially sample from Kebondalem. From this data, the greenish rock has published as javan jade was chlorastolite, characterized by dominantly pumpellyite mineral. Keywords : Karangsambung, greenish rock, javan jade, chlorastolite Jurnal Bahan Galian Industri, Volume 11, No 30, PPTMB, Bandung

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