Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Koleksi sampel ikan terbang di perairan Ambon dan sekitarnya dilakukan 2005-2008...
Observation on Ambon Bay waters quality were carried out in Mei 2008. The result...
The research was carried out on May until November 2008 in Ambon Bay at 17 stati...
This research was carried out on May until November 2008 in Ambon Bay at 17 stat...
Teluk Ambon merupakan ekosistem pesisir yang lengkap, karena terdapat mangrove, ...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Komposisi kelas ukuran dan morfometri cangkang Kerang Kerek (Gafrarium tumidum) di Perairan Teluk Ambon Maluku
Size-class composition and morphometrics relationship of clam Gafrarium tumidum was studied from April until June 2013 in Ambon Bay, Maluku. Shell dimensions (length, height, width) and weight (flesh, shell, total) was evaluated to determine their relationships. Results showed that all of shell dimensions were divided into ten size-classes. The highest individual frequency distribution of shell length was obtained in size-class 23.12–26.09 mm, shell height in size-class 21.63–24.09 mm and size-class 12.09 – 14.62 mm in shell width. The highest size-class density was 4 ind.m-2 ranged from 32.06–35.03 mm. The relationships of all morphometrics and weight parameters were significant (r > 0.8) and reflected allometric growth (b ≠ 3). Keywords: Gafrarium tumidum, size class, morphometry, Ambon Bay Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia, 2014, Vol. 40 (3): 255-266