Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Survei terhadap keanekaragaman anggrek di beberapa lokasi di hutan Gunung Slamet...
Sexual Dimorphism, Reproduction and Prey of Long Tailed Lizard Takydromus sexlin...
Pengamatan zonasi vegetasi pegunungan dilakukan di jalur pendakian Guci, Gunung ...
Leaf anatomy slides of Piperaceae from Gunung Slamet, Central Java was prepared ...
Penelitian Herpetofauna di Kawasan Resort Kawah Ratu, kaki Gunung Salak, Jawa Ba...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Komunitas Herpetofauna di Lereng Timur Gunung Slamet, Jawa Tengah
Mount Slamet with an altitude of 3432 m above sea level is a water catchment area (water catchment area) and one of the upstream watersheds to Serayu River (DAS). The study on herpetofaunal community in different habitat types at water catchment area and upstream of DAS Serayu has been conducted. The study was conducted on 2 until 9 March 2010 in water catchment area and upstream on Bambangan, and 3 until 10 March 2011 on Tuntung Gunung upstream. As the result, at least 35 species of herpetofauna have been recorded. The result of similarity communities based on Sorensen index showed the highest degree of similarity was occurred between water catchment area and upstream1 (52%). Based on habitat occupancy, two species was recorded only in natural forest, e.i. Sphenomorphus cf temminckii and unidentified snake. Based on Jackard index the 35 species of herpetofauna was clustered into 10 groups on point 0.7 Ekologi Gunung Slamet. LIPI Press. Hal 151-160. iv + 261 hlm.; 14,8 x 21 cm . 2012 ISBN: 978-979-799-700-7