Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Eleven frog species of 4 families (Bufonidae, Microhylidae, Ranidae and Rhacopho...
Karawang District is the largest producer of frog meat in West Java. To find out...
Dataset ini menyajikan data Luas Lahan Nangka berdasarkan Ketersediaan Produk Un...
<p>Dataset ini berisi data produksi nangka atau campedak berdasarkan kabupaten/k...
Luas Areal Perkebunan Tanaman Nangka / Cempeda
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Komunitas Kodok pada Lahan Terdegradasi di Areal Curug Nangka, Jawa Barat.
Frogs communities of degraded areas in Curug Nangka area, West Java.A Total of thirteen frog species were found in degraded land areas of Curug Nangka, on the foot hills of Mount Salak at elevation of 640 m - 730 m above sea level (asl). In the fast-flowing river habitat, three frog species dominated this habitat, they were Huia masonii, Hylarana chalconota andOdorrana hosii; whereas in fast-flowing ditch habitat, Phrynoidis aspera and H. chalconota were the dominant species, and for the pine plantation, H.chalconota and H. nicobariensis dominated this habitat. On the river transect, the presence of individuals H. masonii was influenced by the dynamics of air temperature and water temperature. In the open ditch transects, the presence of individual P. aspera was influenced by water temperature. There was a stronger positive association between the presence of individuals H. masonii andindividuals of O. hosii than between individual O. hosii and H. chalconota on the river transect. Among individuals of H. masonii and individuals of H. chalconota there was a positive association; however in the open ditch transects, there was no association between the presence P. aspera and H. chalconota. The presence of H. chalconota and H. nicobariensis on the pine plantation transect had strong positive association. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia 8 (2): 229-246