Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Indonesian indigenous people with their traditional wisdom have been used herbs ...
Penelitian konservasi ex situ Ixora keyensis Warb. telah dilakukan di Kebun Raya...
Untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan nasional perlu dilakukan langkah-langkah strategi...
Pemanis alami merupakan bahan yang menyehatkan dibanding pemanis buatan. Pengama...
Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Bogor sebagai lembaga konservasi ex-situ ti...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Konservasi Ex Situ Tumbuhan Obat di Kebun Raya Bogor
Bogor Botanical Gardens (Kebun Raya Bogor/KRB) has a long history of medicinal plants conservation. In order to improve the quality of the medicinal plant collections and its uses, KRB need to manage relevant on public and visitor expectation and key aspects of medicinal plant conservation. This study aims to establish the KRB management strategy for the medicinal plants collection. A set of questionnaires used in this study. The data were processed using the Likert scale, scoring, and the AHP (analytic hierarchy process). The study suggested a total of 60 species that need more attention. Of the 60 species assessed 9 species were prioritised including Anaxagorea javanica, Coscinium fenestratum, Eusideroxylon zwageri, Heritiera littoralis, Kadsura scandens, Santalum album, Lunasia amara, Scorodocarpus borneensis, and Terminalia belli rica. Three basic conservation aspects (tri-stimulus amar) and the key KRB functions need to be strengthened and established and yet to be in line with the public expectation in order to achieve an integrated medicinal plant ex situ conservation. Forum Pascasarjana, Vol. 34 No. 4 Oktober 2011. Hal. 257-265