Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Lola ((Trochus niloticus) merupakan spesies laut Indonesia yang penting bagi mas...
Top shell (Trochus niloticus) is one of earning source for the community in Sout...
Pengukuran beberapa parameter kualitas air Laut di Teluku Un telah dilakukan pad...
Keberhasilan budidaya rumput laut dengan pemilihan lokasi yang tepat merupakan s...
Pengukuran beberapa parameter kualitas air laut di Teluk Un telah telah dilakuka...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Kualitas air laut di perairan Ngilngof Tual, Maluku Tenggara dalam kaitannya untuk lokasi pembesaran lola (T. niloticus)
Ngilngof waters laid in the Southeast og Maluku. This waters is far from Tual City. This location choosed for enlargement of lola puppies as the result of the Lola breeding in mariculture laboratory of UPT Loka Konservasi Biota Laut Tual. Measurement of sea water quality were carried out May 2010. Physical parameters measured were temperatures, total suspended solid (TSS), smell, color and taste, while chemical parameters were phosphate and nitrate, dissolved oxygen, acidity, salinity, and heavy metals. Sea water samples taken in five station using water sampler. Temperature measured using thermometer in cyberscan apparatus, TSS by gravimetric method, solid waste floating by visual, smell and color are visually. Phosphate and nitrate by colorimetric using spectrophotometer. pH and dissolved oxygen using pH and DO meter in cyberscan apparatus, and oil layer is visually. The result showed that the sea water quality of Ngilngof waters still fine, that way this location can be considered as the location for enlargement of the lola juveniles. The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of seawater in the ngilngof waters in relation to the interest of Trochus niloticus tillers enlargement Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perikanan Indonesia 2010, halaman 182-188