Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Daftar Potensi Industri Kecil Nilai Bahan Baku Aneka Kue Basah
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) generally accepted as safe microorganism and play an ...
Daftar Potensi Industri Kecil Jumlah Aneka Kue Basah
Yogurt was the one of functional food product which contains probiotic bacteria ...
Infectious disease remains as a prominent health problem and worsened by the eme...
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Kualitas Nutrisi Aneka Tepung Dan Kue Talam Berbasis Bahan Pangan Pulau Enggano Dengan Penambahan Lactobacillus Plantarum B110
Enggano Island foodstuffs were processed to flour as wheat flour alternative. To increase flour quality and its derivative product, quality of flour and talam cake based on the foodstuffs additional Lactobacillus-plantarum B110 was researched. The nine foodstuffs made flour were forest cassava (Dioscorea sp.), ararut sago (Marantha arundinacea), tacca (Tacca Leontopetaloides), egg taro (Alocasia sp.), oil taro (Alocasia sp.), gadung (Dioscorea hispida), gogo rice (Oryza sativa), corn (Zea mays), and belinjo (Gnetumgnemon). Quality tests consist of HCN detection (qualitatively), nutrition contents (proximate analysis), acid (titration method), glucose (GOD-POD kit), and organoleptic tests (20 panelists). The results show that acid and glucose contents of the nine flours detected their HCN and nutrition increased after adding L. plantarum B110. Acid content of the added nine flours was 0.0144-0.2475 persen, while glucose was 0.056-0.449 persen. The contents values of carbohydrate, energy and acid of L. plantarum B110 talam cake which higher than control were 34.13 persen, 190.33 cal/100gr, 0.00082 persen, while protein, lipid, water, ash were 1.75 persen, 5.22 persen, 57.9 persen, 1.01 persen, respectively. The talam cake was accepted panelists with values: 5.50 (taste), 5.6 (colour), 4.55 (flavour), 4.00 (texture), 4.35 (homogeneous). It can be concluded that the added flour and talam cake quality increased with addition of L. plantarum B110. Key words: flour, talam cake, Enggano Island, nutrition, glucose, Lactobacillus-plantarum B110 Jurnal Berita Biologi 2016; 15(3): 315-324