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Dataset Serupa
Leaf anatomy of Pandanus spp. (Pandanaceae) from Sebangau and Bukit Baka-Bukit R...

Cross sections of leaves of Pandanus spp. showed that their leaf anatomy is simi...

Comparative Leaves Anatomy Of Pandanus, Freycinetia And Sararanga (Pandanaceae) ...

Study in leaves anatomy of twenty nine samples of the species classified under P...

Leaf Anatomy Of Freycinetia Javanica Blume And Freycinta Scandens Gaundichaud (P...

Leaf anatomy of Freycinetia javanica and F. scandens differs in the arrangement ...

Leaf Anatomy Study of Freycinetia spp. (Pandanaceae) with Reference to Stone’s I...

Telah dilakukan penelaahan anatomi daun Freycinetia (Pandanaceae) di Kawasan Mal...

Propagation and Transplanting of Manau Rattan Calamus Manan in Bukit Duabelas Na...

As one of the most commercially valuable and commonly used rattan palms in the f...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Leaf anatomy of Pandanus spp. (Pandanaceae) from Sebangau and Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya National Park, Kalimantan, Indonesia


Cross sections of leaves of Pandanus spp. showed that their leaf anatomy is similar, whilst paradermal sections indicated that crystal numbers differ. Variation was found in the anticlinal epidermal cell walls, stomata, hypodermis, sclerenchyma, mesophyll and crystals, as discussed in this paper.Key words: Bukit Raya-Bukit Baka National Park, leaf anatomy, Pandanus spp., Sebangau. Reinwardtia 14 (1): 223 - 231

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