Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Pengembangan kawat superkonduktor BiPbSrCaCuO
Pada penelitian ini dipelajari proses pembuatan pelet superkonduktor Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu...
The manufacture of high critical temperature (Tc) Bi,Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (HTS BPSCCO) ...
The effects of the sintering temperature and time on the phase evolution, micros...
Superconducting Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O7 wasprepared by a solid-state reaction usin...
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Manufacture of Bi, Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O pellet disc using wet method
A confirmation of favorable properties of pellet disc of HTSBPSCCO is required in order to optimally do subsequent process of powder-in-tube (PIT) fabricated intosuperconductor wires. Wet method is a simple method in fabricating superconductor wire when it comes to mass production. In order to optimize this method, temperature parameter holds a decisive role in the formation of the 2223 phase of BPSCCO. We have synthesized two samples using wet method with the sintering temperature of 8550 C and 8650 C for 90 hours in air atmosphere.XRD analysis points out the formation of Bi-2223 phase of the sample with the sintering temperature of 855°C, whereas Bi-2212 phase is detected in the one with the sintering temperature of 8650 C. The surface morphology of both samples are layers-like. According to temperature dependence of resistivity measurement results, both samples have superconductivity behavior below critical temperature (Tc). The former one (Tsintering = 8550 C ) has conductive-like behavior above Tcof whichits resistivity starts to drop at 112K and reaches zero resistivity at 78K, and the latter one (Tsintering = 8650 C )has semiconductor-like behavior of whichits resistivity starts to drop at 82K and then reaches zero resistivity at 48K. AIP Conference Proceedings 1725, 020026 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4945480