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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Karakteristik morfologi koloni dan biokimia bakteri Rhizobium

Data ini menunjukkan karakteristik morfologi koloni bakteri Rhizobium. Isolat be...

Karakteristik morfologi koloni dan biokimia bakteri Rhizobium

Data ini menunjukkan karakteristik morfologi koloni bakteri Rhizobium. Isolat be...

Karakter Morfologi Bintang Laut untuk Identifikasi

Conventional identification which is still practicable up to now, relies on morp...

Murraya sp. Dari Cyclops : Karakteristik morfologi dan persebarannya

Murraya sp. has been collected from Cyclops, Papua and cultivated in the Bogor B...

Karakteristik morfologi dan perkembangan bunga Aeschynanthus tricolor Hook. (Ges...

Aeschynanthus tricolor Hook. (Gesneriaceae) is one of the Aeschynanthus, a speci...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Mengenal Monacanthidae : Karakteristik Morfologi Dan Kunci Petunjuk Identifikasi


Seagrass meadows are among the most productive aquatic ecosystems in the biosphere and may increase biodiversity of associated organisms. Due to the high primary production and a complex habitat structure, meadows formed by seagrasses support a variety of benthic, demersal and pelagic organisms. Many fish and shellfish species, including those of commercial interest, are attracted to seagrass habitats for foraging and shelter, especially during their juvenile life stages. Some of marine fish were permanent residents and the others were casual residents. The seagrass associated-fish that is commonly found were Monacanthidae. This paper will discuss about diagnostic morphological characteristics, habitats, biology, food, and key guide to identify. Keywords : Seagrass, Habitat, Fish, Monacanthidae, Neritic Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah (ilmu kelautan dan perikanan), Tahun 2010, Volume 2 nomor 1 , 38 Hal

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