Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Laut adalah bagian dari bumi kita yang tertutup oleh air asin dengan berbagai bi...
Para ahli sepakat bahwa laut Indonesia mempunyai kekayaan jenis dan keanekaragam...
Penelitian struktur komunitas fauna Krustasea di daerah intertidal dilakukan di ...
Sebaran kemunculan biota laut yang dilindungi
Bentos merupakan komunitas yang hidup di dasar perairan. Bentik (organisme bento...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Morfologi Pantai, Zonasi dan Adaptasi Komunitas Biota Laut di Kawasan Intertidal
Coastal and marine ecosystems are the largest aquatic systems in the earth. The size and complexity of these ecosystems are difficult to be discussed as a whole. Intertidal zone is a part of coastal ecosystems that is managed separately from the marine ecosystems. Intertidal zone (tidal area) is an area between the highest and the lowest tide. This area is very susceptible to the disturbance from human activities and other environment dynamics. Zonation in the intertidal zone is based on physics, geology, and biology factors. The zonation will affect to the grouping of biotas which are adapted to the conditions and environment. Oseana, Vol. XXXVII, No. 3. Hal. 11-21 ISSN 0216-1877