Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Phylogenomics reveals habitat-associated body shape divergence in Oryzias wowora...
The Oryzias woworae species group, composed of O. asinua, O. wolasi, and O. wowo...
Oryzias woworae, a new species of ricefish, is described from a freshwater habit...
The genus Dichaetophora Duda comprises 61 described species classified into four...
Oryzias asinua and O. wolasi are two new species of ricefishes described from se...
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New Localities Of The Oryzias Woworae Species Group (Adrianichthyidae) In Sulawesi Tenggara
The Oryzias woworae species group, composed of O. asinua, O. wolasi, and O. woworae, is a group of the family Adrianichthyidae endemic to Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi). Here, we report new localities of each of the three species in this group, which were collected during our field expeditions in 2014-2015. In total, six new localities were discovered throughout Sulawesi Tenggara, including Muna Island, suggesting that they may have wider species ranges than currently recognized. Some of the new localities were independent of the river systems of the known localities, suggesting that each species is genetically structured, and that the unit for conservation should be considered not as each species but as each local population. Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol. 16 No. 2. 09 February 2016. P: 125-131