Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
The objective of this study was to select and characterize three yeast selected ...
In the framework of exploitation of antimicrobial activity of Actinomycetes in P...
A reseach on mangrove vegetation has been conducted in Yenanas, Batanta Island, ...
We studied the floristic composition and structure of mangrove forests and mangr...
Peta Kampung di Kabupaten Raja Ampat
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Non-Bambusoid Grasses (Gramineae) from Raja Ampat Archipelago, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia
Thirty two species of non-bambusoid grasses from 28 genera were recorded for the Raja Ampat Archipelago, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia, mostly from secondary forest. The result was compiled from Widya Nusantara Expedition (EWIN), Takeuchi (2003), and Van Royen (1960). This is a first attempt to record non-bambusoid grasses for a remote archipelago in Indonesia. REINWARDTIA, Vol. 13, No. 3. Hal. 241-253