Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Lombok Island’s waters are the main gateway of the mass water flow from the Paci...
Abstract. Wahyudewantoro G. 2018. The fish diversity of mangrove waters in Lombo...
The ethnobotany study of the Sasak ethnic group who live in three villages in Ea...
A number of plant accessions were collected from Moyo Island forest, West Nusa T...
A study of the undergrowth vegetation of Sempu Island, East Java, Indonesia.Rein...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Pandan (Pandanaceae) in Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia: an economic-botanical study
The people in the Indonesian province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (then East Lesser Sunda Islands) consist of many ethnic groups, each with their own local languages. The island of Flores is the second largest island within the East Lesser Sunda Islands. The island is inhabited by 10 ethnic groups, in which four are regarded as the dominant groups: Flores, Ende, Lio and Manggarai. The pandan flora of the island is still largely unknown; the same is for their ethnobotany. The aim of this current study is to know the traditional usages and potential uses of pandan flora in the Flores Island. The study was carried out in three regencies: Ende, Nagekeo and Manggarai. The result of this study shows that there are four species of Pandanus (P. amaryllifolius, P. dubius, P. kaernbachii, and P. tectorius) and one species of Freycinetia (F. insignis) are recorded from the areas understudy. The presence of P. kaernbachii in Flores Island is a new record. The people also recognises the diversity of Pandanaceae, especially from the genus Pandanus, in which they are known by local names such as “panda”, “re’a”, “waku”, and “mbojo”. Main usages of Pandanus are as material sources for handicrafts (mats, coffee bowls, and hats), dye, flavourings, funeral offering, and ornamental plant. Reinwardtia, 2013, 13 (5): 433–439.