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Parasitic Nematodes Of Amphibians From Lombok Island, Indonesia With Description Of Camallanus Senaruensis Sp.Nov. (Spirurida: Camallanidae) And Meteterakis Lombokensis Sp.Nov. (Ascaridida: Heterakidae)
Objective: To determine and describe the nematode species of amphibians collected from Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Methods: The materials examined were found in the intestines of twenty-four Fejervarya cancrivora, sixteen F. verruculosa, six Duttaphyrnus melanostictus from Senaru and two from Gangga District, Lombok Island on April 2015.The amphibian hosts were collected by hand. Before observing the nematodes, the hosts were anesthesized to death with chloroform. The ventral of the host was opened by longitudinal incision and the internal organs were removed, placed separately in the petri-dish and then examined under a dissecting microscope. The nematodes found were fixed with warm 70 persen alcohol.The specimens for light microscope observation were cleared in glycerol and mounted in the same solution, and for the scanning electron microscope (SEM) Jeol Scanning Electron Microscope 5310 Low Vacuum were re-fixed in caccodylate buffer and glutaraldehyde, dehydrated through a graded series of alcohol and vacuum-dried using TAITEC Vacuum-96Nitrogen, prior to attaching to stubs with double sided cello-tape, coated with gold 400 Å thickness in an Eico I-B2 ion coater. Drawings were made with the aid of a drawing tube attached to a Nikon compound microscope. Measurements were given in micrometers (µm) as the average, followed by the range in parentheses, unless otherwise stated. Results: Two new species of nematodes were found and described herein: Camallanus senaruensis sp.nov., and Meteterakis lombokensis sp.nov., parasitic in the intestine of F. cancrivora and D. melanostictus, respectively. C. senaruensis differs from other congeners in having a bluntly rounded tip of tail in the male and female, the structure of trident and having teeth in the buccal capsule. M. lombokensis differs from other previously described species in having no vulval flap, has a strongly widened proximal end of spicules, forming a cup shaped, and the number of caudal papillae. Others species found are M. singaporensis from D melanostictus, and Ch. rauschi from sixteen F. cancrivora and eight F. verruculosa. Conclusions: The species of parasitic nematodes from Lombok Island are common in amphibians, but Camallanus, M. singaporensis, C.rauschi are the new record in Indonesia.Besides M. lombokensis, other species of Meteterakis have been reported from Java i.e.M. longispicularis in Gecko gecko[3],M. japonica in D.melanostictus and M. wonosoboensis in F. cancrivora. The dominant species found in Lombok Island is Ch.rauschi. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine Vol. 4 No. 9. 2016. P: 708-713