Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Proses pemurnian silikon tingkat metalurgi (MG-Si) dengan menggunakan metoda pel...
Proses pemurnian Silikon tingkat metalurgi (MG-Si) dengan menggunakan campuran l...
Telah dilakukan penelitian dari lapisan film tipis ZrO2 pada dua sifat larutan y...
Telah dilakukan penelitian dari lapisan film tipis ZrO2 pada dua sifat larutan y...
Tulisan ini menyajikan hasil penelitian dari pengaruh sodium nitrit sebagai inhi...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Penggunaan Aqua Regia Dan HCL Sebagai Larutan Pelindian Pada Proses Pemurnian Silikon Tingkat Metalurgi Dengan Variasi pH
Efficiency in refining process of Metallurgy Grade Silicon (MG-Si) using HNO3+3HCl (aqua regia) and HCl have been investigated. The purification process was using a leaching mechanisme with various pH = 1, pH = 2 and pH = 3 followed by heating at 100 °C for 9 hours and subsequently each sample was rinsed by distilled water every 3 hours. The target was to reduce main impurities such as Fe, Al and Ti. Samples of leaching process have been confirmed by Induction Coupled Plasma (ICP) to determine the compotition and then analyzed by extraction efficiency and effectiveness of the solution calculated. The optimum value for the extraction efficiency is by aqua regia at pH = 3 is 99,99889 persen for Ti. Then the optimum value of the effectiveness of solution is HCl at pH = 1 is 99,91897 persen. In the other words, both of HCl and aqua regia are more effective for reduce Ti, followed by Al and Fe. While the effectiveness of the solution between HCl and aqua regia does not have significant difference.Keywords : leaching, HCl, aqua regia, pH, Metallurgy Grade Silicon, efectiveness of solution, extraction efficiency Prosiding Online Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi