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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Analisa Cat Tahan Temperatur Pigmen Black Oxide Sinas

Hasil produk pigmen black oxide (KPB SiNas 13) telah diapikasikan sebagai bahan ...

Effect of Pack Cementation Temperature on Oxidation Behavior of NiCoCrAl Coated ...

The oxidation behavior of NiCoCrAl coatings deposited on carbon steel was evalua...

Synthesis of Polyurethane/Silica Modified Epoxy Polymer Based on 1,3-Propanediol...

Studies on the synthesis of polyurethane/silica modified epoxy polymer using 1,3...

Synthesis Of Polyurethane/Silica Modified Epoxy Polymer Based On 1,3-Propanediol...

Studies on the synthesis of polyurethane/silica modified epoxy polymer using 1.3...

Powder Metallurgy Preparation of Mg-Ca Alloy for Biodegradable Implant Applicati...

Magnesium and its alloys is a promising candidate for implant application especi...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Performance Testing of Black Oxide Nanoparticle Pigment for High Temperature Coating Application


Manufacture of pigments as high temperature resistant paint is obtained through the mechanical alloying process between manganese ore (MnO2) with hematite (Fe2O3) for 10 hours, 20 hours and 30 hours using a ball mill alumina. Milled powders were calcined 1000oC to obtain manganese ferrite pigments. Pigment was compared with commercial manganese pigment (imported) by formulated into paints and high temperature resistant tested by varying the temperature of 200oC, 400oC, and 600oC. Analysis of calcined powder using XRD, while color changing after burning test using the CIE-L*a*b system. XRD characterization results on samples of synthetic pigment indicate a pattern MnFe2O4, MnFeO3 and Fe3O4. High Temperature testing results on synthetic and commercial pigment, both of them have the capacity to withstand. This shows that, the synthetic pigment may replace imports / commercial pigment. Prosiding 3rd International Conference on Advanced Material and Practical Nanotechnology

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