Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Eksploitasi telur dalam perikanan ikan terbang diperkirakan akan sangat mempenga...
Ikan terbang yang dikenal dengan beberapa nama lokal seperti tuing-tuing (Bugis,...
Intensive explotation of flyingfish roe in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea has be...
Sumberdaya perikanan sampai saat ini merupakan sumber protein yang relatif murah...
Banyak orang mengetahui ikan terbang, karena jenis ikan ini memang dapat terbang...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Perikanan Ikan Terbang di Indonesia: Riset menuju Pengelolaan
Fishery of flyingfishes is one important marine commodity in Indonesia, especially in south Sulawesi. Since the 1970's, the roes eggs of flyingfishes have become an export commodity. However since the time, the fishery production of flyingfishes (including eggs) has decreased steeply, and probably it will be collapsed in the near future. In 2004-2006, flyingfishes fishery has been become one of the research topic of LIPI's program for the competitive research, sub-program Census of Marine Life. Research of flyingfishes is not only focused on species diversity, distribution and abundance, but also reproductive biology and length frequency. The main goal of this study was to collect and compile data and information, and these two sources will be supported a management Plan of flyingfishes. The management plan for flyingfishes from the Makassar Strait and Flores Sea will be established firstly due to a high diversity in the region, decreasing in fish production for the last 30 years, and sufficient data and information from research. Oseana, Vol. XXXI No. 3 2006P: 21 - 31