Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Asap rokok merupakan salah satu sumber radikal bebas eksogen yang dapat melemahk...
Prosiding hasil Seminar Nasional MPC
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INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Perubahan kadar kolesterol serum pada tikus setelah mengkonsumsi maltooligosakarida yang disintesis secara enzimatik menggunakan amilase Bacillus licheniformis BL1
To investigate the impact of consuming enzymatically synthesized maltooligosaccharide using Bacillus licheniformis BLl amylase on reduction of serum cholesterol level, in preclinical study groups of Sprague Dawley rats were fed for 3 weeks with four different test diets: basal diet (BD), high serum cholesterol-stimulating basal diet (CD), high serum cholesterol-stimulating basal diet supplemented with 3% (w/w feed) commercial maltooligosaccharide (CI), and high serum cholesterol-stimulating basal diet supplemented with 3% (w/w feed) maltooligosaccharide synthesized by enzimatic reaction of B. licheniformis BLl amylase (CB). Our result shows a reduction of serum cholesterol level up to 39.1% in rats CB after three weeks consuming maltooligosaccharide synthesized using B. licheniformis BLl amylase. In addition, significantly increased blood glucose level was not found in this study as an impact of consuming maltooligosaccharide synthesized using B. licheniformis BLl amylase. Berita Biologi 10(1):15-22 - April 2010