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Influence of Ni Content on the Microstructure of Heat Treated Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Mem...

This paper reportsthe influence of Ni content and heat treatment condition (solu...

Electrochemical Behaviour of NiTiCu Shape Memory Alloy Wires in Ringer Solution

Corrosion behaviors of the NiTiCu shape memory alloys wire were investigated by ...

The Influence of Sn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ...

Titanium alloys are very interesting for biomedical applications due to excellen...

Pengaruh Solution Annealing dan Aging pada Kawat Paduan Shape Memory Ni-Ti dan N...

Penelitian pengaruh solution annealing dan aging pada paduan shape memory NiTi d...

Pembuatan Pelat Aktuator Shape Memory Alloys Paduan Cu-Zn-Al

Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) adalah paduan logam yang mempunyai sifat pemulihan reg...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Phase Identification and Microstructure of Ni-Ti-Cu and Ni35Ti50Cu10X5 (X= Fe, Sn, Cr, Nb, Co, Mo) Shape Memory Alloys


This paper reports the influence of Ni/Ti ratio in Ni-Ti-Cu alloys and of the addition of fourth elements (X) in the Ni35Ti50Cu10X5 (X= Fe, Sn, Cr, Nb, Co, Mo) quarternary alloys on the phases formed and microstructure of the respective alloy. The experimetal results showed that the larger Ni/Ti ratio in Ni-Ti-Cu alloys, the larger fraction of Ti0.4Ni0.565Cu0.035 precipitate phase and the lower workability of the alloys. The fourth element added into the Ni-Ti-Cu alloys modified the room temperature phases presented in the alloys by different ways, i.e. by deppressing both B19’(NiTi) and B19’(TiNi0.8Cu0.2) phases (for X=Fe, Co, Nb), by revealing precipitate phases (for X=Sn and Cr) and by deppressing B19’ (TiNi0.8Cu0.2) phases (for X=Mo). Proc. The 12th International Conference on QiR (Quality in Research), Bali 4-7 July 2011

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