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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Pseudoidium Javanicum, a New Species of Powdery Mildew on Acalypha spp. from Ind...

Pseudoidium javanicum is proposed as a new species based on analyses of 28S, ITS...

Erysiphe Javanica sp. nov., a New Tropical Powdery Mildew from Indonesia

During the collection of tropical powdery mildews in Cibodas Botanical Garden an...

Erysiphe javanica sp. nov., a New Tropical Powdery Mildew from Indonesia

During the collection of tropical powdery mildews in Cibodas Botanical Garden an...

Podosphaera Perseae-Americanae, A New Powdery Mildew Species On Persea Americana...

An asexual stage of powdery mildew was found on Persea americana in West Java an...

A New Species of Sicyopterus (Gobiidae) from Indonesia

A new species of Sicyopterus, freshwater goby, is described from Sumatra and Jav...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Phyllactinia poinsettiae sp. nov.: A new species of powdery mildew on poinsettia from Indonesia


Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima, Euphorbiaceae) is a flowering plant indigenous to Mexico and Central America. The poinsettia is largely known for its red bracts and green foliage,and is widely used in winter festivities around temperate regions such as Christmas floral displays. A powdery mildew was found on this plant species in Java and Bali Islands of Indonesia in 2013. Morphological and molecular analyses revealed that this species is new to science. It is an asexual morph belonging to the genus Phyllactinia(syn. Ovulariopsis). The new species is described and illustrated as Phyllactinia poinsettiae sp. nov Mycoscience Volume 56, Issue 6, November 2015, Pages 580-583

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